18 September 1998
last night i had a dream in which i was a woman. i was a curator or something in an amazing museum/estate/somethingortoher with these huge open rooms with velvet and odd colours and big swooping staircases and balconies and beanbag chair floors and whatnot. there was some sub-plot about dating people from work so that going out could be written off as a business expense.
i didn't go the the stretch princess show in woodstock last night, but heard a brief something on the radio this morning that sounded like it had been canceled, so i guess it's a good thing that i didn't drive an hour and half out there for that. and i don't really want to see them as much as ida or lotion (who's playing in new london tonight, but despite being in ct, it's really further away than even nyc). and ida's playing in boston and nyc next tuesday and wednesday respectively. but it's really a long way to drive if i go by myself.
the first bloody foursquare injury, i believe.