magicbeans. nothing if not awkward.

bean is not actually from antarctica. his heart is covered in paisleys.

he makes tiny little pictures and sometimes writes about his life.


6 November 1998

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okay. the last week, which was written off-line, is now here. as of now (1237a cst) i haven't proofread anything yet. i'll be updating the beancam in a couple of minutes.


i was at my mom's house, but it was laid out like it was before she built the new kitchen and there were more doors. this woman showed up who had been sam's pre-k or kindergarten teacher or something 'cept she couldn't have been more than 30, so the chronology was a bit off. she talked to sam for a bit and he said that she had a scar up along her hairline like his (although his only facial scar is on his lip). i guess she had been traveling for a while, and she spent the night on a fold-out couch. her dog slept on the kitchen floor.

during all this there was another plot with this kid (wearing a green and white print shirt) rolling joints in the house as well. i was afraid he was a friend of sam's, but it turned out he wasn't.

the next morning i read the woman's response to an old "real astrology" column (a syndicated column that appears in the local austin chronicle and i used to get in email via the fringeware list, that is often pointless, but i remembered the one in question as having a profound impact on me). i wanted to talk to her about that but i was leaving for texas that day and was afraid of getting too close to her.

in another dream, i was in a hotel that matt drudge (an internet columnist) had said clinton gave press conferences from which keanu reeves spied on and that middle eastern leaders held secret meetings there. it was all very odd. i don't know what i was doing in the hotel, maybe a vr experiment with a mock-up of li's office, where there was a new employee named patrick working. and lou might have been there, and a couple of years older.