11 November 1998
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19981111y.png)
i had a dream last night that might be useful for writing a sci-fi novel. it dealt with the concept of money between different worlds/dimensions. there was some sort of central account with various stocks and assets, but it was one thing that would be useful throughout the multiverse that was used to gauge wealth. in the case of my dream it was high-tech stocks. there was also something about how you could, in effect, sell yrself into indentured servitude, and then trade off of the status of yr master. i'm not entirely sure how this worked, because i only met one person who had done it.
last night i went to the kinko's down the street to buy some paper, and it always amazes me how many people you find there at midnight. there were a dozen people making flyers for their band or printing up a report or whatnot. after that i took apart one of those disposable cameras and gave myself quite an electric shock. there's a whole lot of current built up to set off those flash-bulbs.
so gale and sam (fmf sam, not my brother sam) are in town for some actual physical see stuff: looking at icky used prefab housing, talking with interested parties, etc. george and i went to go eat dinner with them (at the hotel restaurant, where we could eat nothing but a really lousy salad), and then talked for a bit about see and stuff. and i just really wasn't all that into it, 'cause at this point it's looking pretty unlikely that i'm going to be a part of see. but, as with everything, we'll see.
by the way, there's a new old poem in the words section. and i might dig out some more to type up over the next couple of days.
er!n, who usually doesn't remember her dreams, did last night, and sent it to me in email. since the ratio of my dreams to everything else has been so high on my site as of late, i figured i'd post hers:
anyway in my dream i was home at my mom's house and she was getting ready to leave for florida (which she actually did this morning). since she was leaving she wouldn't be around to take care of my bunny so he was going to go to my brother's house for a week (still very realistic 'cause matt is taking care of him this week while my mom is away). knowing that dusty (my bunny) wasn't there i went into the other room to visit him anyway. and there was a bunny there that looked just like him only significantly smaller. and so i thought it was him and i accused my mom of not feeding him (which i guess was my attempt to make sense out of him being so tiny). but it wasn't him after all 'cause he was at my brother's, instead it was some stray bunny that had found his way into our house. i decided to let the stray bunny stay but because nobody was going to be around to take care of him i had to bring him up to school with me for the week, and the entire time i was worried that dusty wouldn't like him.