17 November 1998
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19981117y.png)
you know what i just realized? allison's birthday came and went this year and i didn't even notice it. huh. i did spend a little time thinking about her last night. and there is a part of me that will always be in love with her, but i guess i'm finally making some progress getting on with my life. it's only been what, five years?
so i didn't go to bed at 1030. instead i put on my headphones, put ida's ten small paces in the cd player, and put track 7 (their cover of the secret star's "shoe-in") on repeat. seemed to fit my mood. i looked up an old friend on the web (jon feldman, who i went to summer camp with when i was 12 and 13). i had found his website once before when he was still at reed (where my cousin thomas is now, and speaking of cousins, i got email from my cousin joel today who i haven't seen or spoken to in many years). i did manage to stumble across it again, or what's left of it, it hasn't been updated in a bit, and i didn't send him email this time either. then i decided to look up my own name in some search engines, and there were lots of mailing list archives that i've posted to, and some foreign film reviews, and lists of online journal keepers (where i looked at some people who share my birthday). and i stumbled across a clock that ticks off exactly how old you are. i noticed that in a year and five days i'll be 8888 days old and that i missed hitting 200000 hours about six months ago. that's when it hit me that i had completely ignored allison's birthday. for a full week.
and now it's over two hours since i began typing this. i got a message from adam, who worked briefly at li before the big james/daniel split, and we chatted for quite a while about austin and music and whatnot. and "shoe-in" is still playing in my ears. and it's definitely about time to go to bed now.
today was, in many ways, one big headache of a day. i was just about ready to send out billing this morning when daniel decides to put his two cents in, but in such a way as to make it seem like he's really stepping back from it all together and leaving it up to me and marc. mind games. and so i went to go find some lunch 'cause i hadn't eaten in about 20 hours. while i was out i decided to stop by austin community college to see about taking some courses in the spring. i found out that i have to take this texas college aptitude test. apparently the courses i've taken in ma and ct don't prove anything and normally sat scores can exempt you, but only for five years. so i've got to remember all the algebra and trig that i've forgotten from nearly ten years ago so i can take this test. so that i can take art and writing classes. it won't be hard, but it's a pain. and then when i come back there's some more billing hassles, and needless to say it doesn't go out, so i go to the store to pick up something for dinner. i figure after i eat, i'll log back in, send billing out despite whatever daniel may feel about it (he did say he wanted nothing to do with it), and do it better next month. so when i do log in there's mail from daniel: don't send billing out until i can see a test. great.
but er!n paged me a long distance hug, and that helps the psyche out a bunch.
and did i mention i got mail from alex yesterday. that was cool. it had been too long since i had heard from him.
so i didn't go to bed at 1030. instead i put on my headphones, put ida's ten small paces in the cd player, and put track 7 (their cover of the secret star's "shoe-in") on repeat. seemed to fit my mood. i looked up an old friend on the web (jon feldman, who i went to summer camp with when i was 12 and 13). i had found his website once before when he was still at reed (where my cousin thomas is now, and speaking of cousins, i got email from my cousin joel today who i haven't seen or spoken to in many years). i did manage to stumble across it again, or what's left of it, it hasn't been updated in a bit, and i didn't send him email this time either. then i decided to look up my own name in some search engines, and there were lots of mailing list archives that i've posted to, and some foreign film reviews, and lists of online journal keepers (where i looked at some people who share my birthday). and i stumbled across a clock that ticks off exactly how old you are. i noticed that in a year and five days i'll be 8888 days old and that i missed hitting 200000 hours about six months ago. that's when it hit me that i had completely ignored allison's birthday. for a full week.
and now it's over two hours since i began typing this. i got a message from adam, who worked briefly at li before the big james/daniel split, and we chatted for quite a while about austin and music and whatnot. and "shoe-in" is still playing in my ears. and it's definitely about time to go to bed now.
today was, in many ways, one big headache of a day. i was just about ready to send out billing this morning when daniel decides to put his two cents in, but in such a way as to make it seem like he's really stepping back from it all together and leaving it up to me and marc. mind games. and so i went to go find some lunch 'cause i hadn't eaten in about 20 hours. while i was out i decided to stop by austin community college to see about taking some courses in the spring. i found out that i have to take this texas college aptitude test. apparently the courses i've taken in ma and ct don't prove anything and normally sat scores can exempt you, but only for five years. so i've got to remember all the algebra and trig that i've forgotten from nearly ten years ago so i can take this test. so that i can take art and writing classes. it won't be hard, but it's a pain. and then when i come back there's some more billing hassles, and needless to say it doesn't go out, so i go to the store to pick up something for dinner. i figure after i eat, i'll log back in, send billing out despite whatever daniel may feel about it (he did say he wanted nothing to do with it), and do it better next month. so when i do log in there's mail from daniel: don't send billing out until i can see a test. great.
but er!n paged me a long distance hug, and that helps the psyche out a bunch.
and did i mention i got mail from alex yesterday. that was cool. it had been too long since i had heard from him.