26 December 1998
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19981226y.png)
there was this personality test that people were taking that for some reason i was reluctant to take. it sorta turned into a film noir type thriller as people were trying to get me to take it and i was running from them. eventually i found out more about it. somehow it caused people to forget the mental associations they had with the colour blue. which in the short term made them happier, but also for some reason caused them to stop questioning authority. microsoft had something to do with this, but it was a maniacal plan of bill gates's father's. at one point i ran into bill gates, and i said well, it seems that you've had these dreams of world domination too. and he said, yes i have, but he's gone too far.
later i was watching (or possibly involved in, or acting in) a plot from the tv show homicide which started out vaguely normal, looking for a suspect who was s'posedly poor, but lived in this big, old, brick house, but then things sorta started turning into a faerie tale. as the cops were taking her to the station for questioning there was some faerie music coming from her house that had some sorta drug connection. and an ex-boyfriend of hers showed up at the house who meant something that i didn't quite catch.
i began walking home, across a trainyard, and a bike path, and there was this auction house, and a couple of naked people standing around outside. then at home, which was an apartment built into the loft of the barn, er!n and sam and sam's friend mike were sitting there. er!n was partly herself, and partly playing a character. her father had invented some chemical that, as she described it, massaged the cells of the brain into working better. this had something to do with the suspect from earlier. er!n and sam had both taken it, and there was something alluring about it, but also something kinda scary. er!n and i had apparently talked about going to some concert (a cell phone conversation that i half remembered), and she said that it was sold out, but that we could wait in a queue (her word) to possibly get in.
there was this personality test that people were taking that for some reason i was reluctant to take. it sorta turned into a film noir type thriller as people were trying to get me to take it and i was running from them. eventually i found out more about it. somehow it caused people to forget the mental associations they had with the colour blue. which in the short term made them happier, but also for some reason caused them to stop questioning authority. microsoft had something to do with this, but it was a maniacal plan of bill gates's father's. at one point i ran into bill gates, and i said well, it seems that you've had these dreams of world domination too. and he said, yes i have, but he's gone too far.
later i was watching (or possibly involved in, or acting in) a plot from the tv show homicide which started out vaguely normal, looking for a suspect who was s'posedly poor, but lived in this big, old, brick house, but then things sorta started turning into a faerie tale. as the cops were taking her to the station for questioning there was some faerie music coming from her house that had some sorta drug connection. and an ex-boyfriend of hers showed up at the house who meant something that i didn't quite catch.
i began walking home, across a trainyard, and a bike path, and there was this auction house, and a couple of naked people standing around outside. then at home, which was an apartment built into the loft of the barn, er!n and sam and sam's friend mike were sitting there. er!n was partly herself, and partly playing a character. her father had invented some chemical that, as she described it, massaged the cells of the brain into working better. this had something to do with the suspect from earlier. er!n and sam had both taken it, and there was something alluring about it, but also something kinda scary. er!n and i had apparently talked about going to some concert (a cell phone conversation that i half remembered), and she said that it was sold out, but that we could wait in a queue (her word) to possibly get in.