31 December 1998
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19981231y.png)
my pager went off at 630 this morning. it was daniel. turnip was down. looking into it, i first thought that it was a routing problem somewhere upstream. traceroute reached an unnamed ip address, and stopped. same deal with discovernet's new dns box in the same c block. eventually i found i could get through to carrot, it was just a coincidence that i couldn't reach the dns box, and turnip was actually down. it crashed sometime around 6 est. so it wasn't down for all that long. but i have no idea what caused it. i'll be glad to be rid of this box and have everything on my new servers. of course it's basically the fault of my procrastination that it's not already.
i forgot to mention yesterday that there's a new pic of sam up on the pix page. the original is actually almost a year old, came across it when scouring my hard drive for fodder. i think it turned out well though
so, new years eve. i have half a mind to go out and buy a bottle of some festive hard liquor like that cinnamon stuff with flecks of gold in it and just drinking myself silly. but that's just bad on so many levels. i'm allergic to cinnamon, for one. last year i think i might have had a bottle of hard cider. the year before i was in austin visiting my dad, and we sat at home and flipped through the nothing on tv. the years tick by, but history repeats itself.
i bought a set of cookware today. a really nice one. more than i should've spent, but i guess i might as well spend it while i have it. otherwise i'll just fritter it away on stupid little things. and i really did need some cookware.
i forgot to mention yesterday that there's a new pic of sam up on the pix page. the original is actually almost a year old, came across it when scouring my hard drive for fodder. i think it turned out well though
so, new years eve. i have half a mind to go out and buy a bottle of some festive hard liquor like that cinnamon stuff with flecks of gold in it and just drinking myself silly. but that's just bad on so many levels. i'm allergic to cinnamon, for one. last year i think i might have had a bottle of hard cider. the year before i was in austin visiting my dad, and we sat at home and flipped through the nothing on tv. the years tick by, but history repeats itself.
i bought a set of cookware today. a really nice one. more than i should've spent, but i guess i might as well spend it while i have it. otherwise i'll just fritter it away on stupid little things. and i really did need some cookware.