3 January 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19990103y.png)
i dreamt that sam and i were visiting our dad and i was gonna make veggie sushi. so we were out shopping for the ingredients. then there's a part that i don't remember. then i was riding my bike on a sidewalk by a store and there were these street performers putting on this skit: "do you have someone who's hard to shop for? what do you get moses fro christmas?" i wondered why they were still doing it in january.
i passed by later and they were holding some sort of raffle, but i knew that it was just a scam and that they would steal everything you had, but you wouldn't realize it. they were holding it in a big fenced in field and something compelled me to go see it, but as soon as i got inside i was worried that they would take my bike, so i snuck back out.
i came back later without it, and there was this tall, odd looking guy, who said "no elves allowed, so goodbye hermes, or bean, or whatever yr name is." and i said "what, did you get a memo about me?" and he said "yeah, that's right." so i left and ran into either bret or alex (i think there might have been two parallel dream worlds with the same story and each of them was playing this part in one of the two, and my mind flattened them upon waking) who was with a girl, and they were wearing a number of coats, as was i because it was very cold. he said "i don't think winter is the best time to see this movie." and i agreed, but thought that because of the big green corn fields, spring wouldn't be the right time either.
we snuck into this tent that the performers/con artists had offices in (although inside it looked like a regular building), and i found a filing cabinet. one of the drawers was labeled "notes" and i figured memos would be in there. sure enough i found a printout of (what in the dream was) my web site. but i couldn't find any mention of me bing an elf. then i heard someone coming and hid in a darkened room that was very plushly decorated, like a turn of the century mansion, and when they had passed i left via a side door into a courtyard.
it was now night outside, although it had only been afternoon when i entered and i had been there less than half an hour. as i was standing there the courtyard became an open hall, like a drawing room, and my mom came out of a door in the back talking about how she was having problems running some old games on her computer, and she had just shut it down, but could i maybe take a look at it tomorrow.
the cold part makes sense, it's been warm here the last couple of days, so i had turned the heat off in the apartment. when i woke up this morning it was 58 degrees inside. which is real cold to get out of bed in.
i would like to say happy birthday to george before the day's over, so: happy birthday.
so i was out at a coffee house, and as i was getting up to leave this girl asked me if i was going south, and i said no i'm actually going about 15 blocks north. but in the interest of extroversion and meeting new people and all, i really should've said i wasn't planning on it, but do you need a ride? hrm.
i passed by later and they were holding some sort of raffle, but i knew that it was just a scam and that they would steal everything you had, but you wouldn't realize it. they were holding it in a big fenced in field and something compelled me to go see it, but as soon as i got inside i was worried that they would take my bike, so i snuck back out.
i came back later without it, and there was this tall, odd looking guy, who said "no elves allowed, so goodbye hermes, or bean, or whatever yr name is." and i said "what, did you get a memo about me?" and he said "yeah, that's right." so i left and ran into either bret or alex (i think there might have been two parallel dream worlds with the same story and each of them was playing this part in one of the two, and my mind flattened them upon waking) who was with a girl, and they were wearing a number of coats, as was i because it was very cold. he said "i don't think winter is the best time to see this movie." and i agreed, but thought that because of the big green corn fields, spring wouldn't be the right time either.
we snuck into this tent that the performers/con artists had offices in (although inside it looked like a regular building), and i found a filing cabinet. one of the drawers was labeled "notes" and i figured memos would be in there. sure enough i found a printout of (what in the dream was) my web site. but i couldn't find any mention of me bing an elf. then i heard someone coming and hid in a darkened room that was very plushly decorated, like a turn of the century mansion, and when they had passed i left via a side door into a courtyard.
it was now night outside, although it had only been afternoon when i entered and i had been there less than half an hour. as i was standing there the courtyard became an open hall, like a drawing room, and my mom came out of a door in the back talking about how she was having problems running some old games on her computer, and she had just shut it down, but could i maybe take a look at it tomorrow.
the cold part makes sense, it's been warm here the last couple of days, so i had turned the heat off in the apartment. when i woke up this morning it was 58 degrees inside. which is real cold to get out of bed in.
i would like to say happy birthday to george before the day's over, so: happy birthday.
so i was out at a coffee house, and as i was getting up to leave this girl asked me if i was going south, and i said no i'm actually going about 15 blocks north. but in the interest of extroversion and meeting new people and all, i really should've said i wasn't planning on it, but do you need a ride? hrm.