14 January 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19990114y.png)
had my second painting class this morning. we still haven't actually painted anything, but we had some still lifes set up today and did some preliminary drawings of them. i was looking around and everyone seemed to be doing these really good drawings, and mine was just such a rough sketch. but it came out okay when i was done with it. and so tuesday, i get to try to paint it.
something about doves came up in my dreams last night, and i remember saying that a dove is really just a white pigeon. and then today when i was out driving i saw a group of pigeons take off flying and in the middle of the group was a white one. a dove, for all effects and purposes.
something about doves came up in my dreams last night, and i remember saying that a dove is really just a white pigeon. and then today when i was out driving i saw a group of pigeons take off flying and in the middle of the group was a white one. a dove, for all effects and purposes.