2 April 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19990402y.png)
i got mail from er!n yesterday in which she mentioned her recent run-ins with public-safety types:
it all started with the mountain. it called to her [her being a fictional representation of you, in this case] in her dreams. sometimes shrouded in mist, the sun coming up slowly, sometimes at sunset in the fall, the trees clothed in leaves of red, yellow, orange, as if engulfed in flame, but unconsumed. the mountain was a testament to natures ingenuity, permanence, mystery. in the end, it was the mystery that did her in, as sense of adventure, and desire to reach a physical understanding with this mountain that had been so long in her thoughts. she wanted to feel it below her feet, to smell the air it bathed in, to listen to the birds that built nests there, that raised their young there.
she thought she would make a day of it, invite friends. she told them about alien artifacts, about children kidnapped by faeries, bigfoot. none of this had any real bearing of course, but she wanted to kindle their interest, their imagination. they enjoyed the stories, and came with her. they brought food, we'll have a fine picnic up on that mountain, they thought and set off.
it was a beautiful day, the scents and sounds of spring were in the air. they had fun hiking and talking and finding rocks that resembled alien artifacts and spotting bigfoot in the bushes. she was enjoying herself, she was already planning her next great caper. they stopped and all sat around at a clearing at the top of the mountain. a campfire was suggested and they gathered stones and placed them in a circle and small sticks which they lit on fire.
everything was going great until someone got the sleeve of their sweater just a little to close to the campfire, noticed it, and began screaming 'help! i'm on fire!'. this is where the naked firemen come in. [yes, i know that's not what you meant by "un-clad" but i couldn't resist. and it's nothing lewd, lets say they were in a sweat lodge. and they weren't completely naked, they had grabbed a few articles of clothing to cover up, and one had a cb radio with which he had called the station.]
coincidentally, this is also where the state police come in. unbeknownst to everyone involved they had also been on the mountain, looking for a missing person. [kidnapped by faeries no doubt.] they had heard the screams too, and came to investigate. they arrive just in time to see a group of half naked men emerge from the woods and begin to approach a group of hikers. figuring them for some sort crazed sex-cult, or half-men/half-beast mountain creatures, they pull their weapons and order the firemen to the ground. [hence their inability to call off their call to the fire station.] the state cops call in the local pd and fire chief to verify the claims that these men really are the firemen they begin claiming to be.
so the decked out firemen show up first, expecting to see some campfire raging out of control, but instead find their compatriots lying on the ground in hand-cuffs, half naked. they confirm their friends' identities to the state cops, who let them go. the local cops and fire chief eventually show up. as do bigfoot, an alien craft, and a band of gypsies, but they hikers had left by that point.
(ok make that two police officers, three state cops, eight fully clad firemen, a handful of un-clad firemen, the chief, a mountain, and one small campfire, oh yeah and we can't forget 5 of er!N's friends who listen to her stupid ideas)i asked if she was going to explain, or if i had to make up my own story, she told me to make up my own, so this is what i emailed back. this is all straight off the top of my head, and i haven't read it over.
it all started with the mountain. it called to her [her being a fictional representation of you, in this case] in her dreams. sometimes shrouded in mist, the sun coming up slowly, sometimes at sunset in the fall, the trees clothed in leaves of red, yellow, orange, as if engulfed in flame, but unconsumed. the mountain was a testament to natures ingenuity, permanence, mystery. in the end, it was the mystery that did her in, as sense of adventure, and desire to reach a physical understanding with this mountain that had been so long in her thoughts. she wanted to feel it below her feet, to smell the air it bathed in, to listen to the birds that built nests there, that raised their young there.
she thought she would make a day of it, invite friends. she told them about alien artifacts, about children kidnapped by faeries, bigfoot. none of this had any real bearing of course, but she wanted to kindle their interest, their imagination. they enjoyed the stories, and came with her. they brought food, we'll have a fine picnic up on that mountain, they thought and set off.
it was a beautiful day, the scents and sounds of spring were in the air. they had fun hiking and talking and finding rocks that resembled alien artifacts and spotting bigfoot in the bushes. she was enjoying herself, she was already planning her next great caper. they stopped and all sat around at a clearing at the top of the mountain. a campfire was suggested and they gathered stones and placed them in a circle and small sticks which they lit on fire.
everything was going great until someone got the sleeve of their sweater just a little to close to the campfire, noticed it, and began screaming 'help! i'm on fire!'. this is where the naked firemen come in. [yes, i know that's not what you meant by "un-clad" but i couldn't resist. and it's nothing lewd, lets say they were in a sweat lodge. and they weren't completely naked, they had grabbed a few articles of clothing to cover up, and one had a cb radio with which he had called the station.]
coincidentally, this is also where the state police come in. unbeknownst to everyone involved they had also been on the mountain, looking for a missing person. [kidnapped by faeries no doubt.] they had heard the screams too, and came to investigate. they arrive just in time to see a group of half naked men emerge from the woods and begin to approach a group of hikers. figuring them for some sort crazed sex-cult, or half-men/half-beast mountain creatures, they pull their weapons and order the firemen to the ground. [hence their inability to call off their call to the fire station.] the state cops call in the local pd and fire chief to verify the claims that these men really are the firemen they begin claiming to be.
so the decked out firemen show up first, expecting to see some campfire raging out of control, but instead find their compatriots lying on the ground in hand-cuffs, half naked. they confirm their friends' identities to the state cops, who let them go. the local cops and fire chief eventually show up. as do bigfoot, an alien craft, and a band of gypsies, but they hikers had left by that point.