29 April 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19990429y.png)
some odd dreams this morning:
in the first part i was just an observer. there was a public restroom which was locked. someone had called the police. i figured that they should have just called maintenance, but i didn't say anything. the police showed up and broke down the door, and there was some sort of illegal deal going on inside, drugs or stolen jewelry, or something. they brought two men out in handcuffs. one was young and scruffy, the other i only saw from about the knees down, but i knew that there was something nefarious about him, as if i was a character in a movie, and my character had some inside information to which i, as an observer, wasn't privy. almost instantly there was some sort of coverup, because one of the men was a cop or or something, and i was upset that they were going to go free.
then this girl showed up and we decided to go for a walk. we walked through some fields in which kids were playing soccer, and then down a road for a bit, where an old man was racing down a big hill in his wheelchair, and then on a path off into the woods. it was a pretty normal wooded path for a while, but then there started to be furniture here and there. and then more furniture, and more, until it was sort of like an outdoor thrift store. and then there was a staircase, and we were in a warehouse-sized attic full of old furniture.
there was a door that lead to a room with lots of old books. george and sam were there. george was picking out a bunch of books that he was going to boil to make salt out of in case the coming apocalypse wiped out the world's salt supplies. i told him that was a silly idea.
we all left via an emergency exit that led to a small pond tucked away at the corner of a huge concrete building that we had somehow ended up inside. we walked around the outside, and i noticed that george still had one of the books, and i thought he should put it back. we couldn't get back in the way that we had gone out though, so we looked for another door. at a side door there was a special show going on that you could get into if you had four tickets for various parts of the tour of the nuclear power plant (i guess that's what part of this building was). george and the girl that i was with both had four tickets, but sam and i only had three each. somehow i convinced the person at the desk to accept a handful of rubberbands instead.
we got into these futuristic elevators, two people per elevator, which i was worried were going to take us to the wrong place.
i think the real high point of today was defrosting the freezer. i got to play with all the ice and sorta recreated the winter that i missed this year. got everything very wet, but it was fun.
looked at stereos at sears today. george is thinking about buying one, 'cause i'll be taking mine with me when i leave. is it just me, or did stereos all suddenly get really cheesy looking? just in the last six months or so, i think. some of them were going for that retro-futuristic look, the way that things looked like in sci-fi movies made in the early 80s. i can sorta see why that is, today's industrial designers were having their formative tastes affected by that view of the future. but some were just stupidly shaped and such. do people actually buy these things?
in the first part i was just an observer. there was a public restroom which was locked. someone had called the police. i figured that they should have just called maintenance, but i didn't say anything. the police showed up and broke down the door, and there was some sort of illegal deal going on inside, drugs or stolen jewelry, or something. they brought two men out in handcuffs. one was young and scruffy, the other i only saw from about the knees down, but i knew that there was something nefarious about him, as if i was a character in a movie, and my character had some inside information to which i, as an observer, wasn't privy. almost instantly there was some sort of coverup, because one of the men was a cop or or something, and i was upset that they were going to go free.
then this girl showed up and we decided to go for a walk. we walked through some fields in which kids were playing soccer, and then down a road for a bit, where an old man was racing down a big hill in his wheelchair, and then on a path off into the woods. it was a pretty normal wooded path for a while, but then there started to be furniture here and there. and then more furniture, and more, until it was sort of like an outdoor thrift store. and then there was a staircase, and we were in a warehouse-sized attic full of old furniture.
there was a door that lead to a room with lots of old books. george and sam were there. george was picking out a bunch of books that he was going to boil to make salt out of in case the coming apocalypse wiped out the world's salt supplies. i told him that was a silly idea.
we all left via an emergency exit that led to a small pond tucked away at the corner of a huge concrete building that we had somehow ended up inside. we walked around the outside, and i noticed that george still had one of the books, and i thought he should put it back. we couldn't get back in the way that we had gone out though, so we looked for another door. at a side door there was a special show going on that you could get into if you had four tickets for various parts of the tour of the nuclear power plant (i guess that's what part of this building was). george and the girl that i was with both had four tickets, but sam and i only had three each. somehow i convinced the person at the desk to accept a handful of rubberbands instead.
we got into these futuristic elevators, two people per elevator, which i was worried were going to take us to the wrong place.
i think the real high point of today was defrosting the freezer. i got to play with all the ice and sorta recreated the winter that i missed this year. got everything very wet, but it was fun.
looked at stereos at sears today. george is thinking about buying one, 'cause i'll be taking mine with me when i leave. is it just me, or did stereos all suddenly get really cheesy looking? just in the last six months or so, i think. some of them were going for that retro-futuristic look, the way that things looked like in sci-fi movies made in the early 80s. i can sorta see why that is, today's industrial designers were having their formative tastes affected by that view of the future. but some were just stupidly shaped and such. do people actually buy these things?