2 May 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19990502y.png)
this morning i dreamt that i was waiting in this long line of people, who were sitting down and slowly sliding down an incline. there were four or five separate lines, and at one point i came up beside sonali, who was in the next line over. we decided to share a spot, and were weaving between lines. when we got up near the front we stood up to wait. there were bridges there over water that seemed to be flowing in and out because of waves somewhere, and which was an artificial food-colouring blue sort of colour.
we crossed the bridge into something like a cross between a library and a supermarket. i picked out some lime sodas and was looking for something else. there was a conference table with a bunch of people sitting around it. a girl was stung by some sort of bug, and was going into convulsions. a woman at the other end of the table, who looked to be in charge, said that these bugs are completely harmless unless yr of the small percentage of people allergic to them, as the girl clearly was.
i practised guitar a whole bunch today, but i'm still no good a playing melodies. i did find a real simple chord that i like a lot though. i looked it up on the net, there's a really cool site that you can map out a chord and get its name that i had found once before, and spent a while trying to hunt down again. eventually i did find it, and the name of the chord, Fmaj7(add9)/A. long name for a two finger chord.
i had a strange craving for a cigarette this afternoon. every now and then i'll be around someone who is smoking and kind of want one, but this was just completely out of the blue. odd. of course i didn't indulge myself in it.
we crossed the bridge into something like a cross between a library and a supermarket. i picked out some lime sodas and was looking for something else. there was a conference table with a bunch of people sitting around it. a girl was stung by some sort of bug, and was going into convulsions. a woman at the other end of the table, who looked to be in charge, said that these bugs are completely harmless unless yr of the small percentage of people allergic to them, as the girl clearly was.
i practised guitar a whole bunch today, but i'm still no good a playing melodies. i did find a real simple chord that i like a lot though. i looked it up on the net, there's a really cool site that you can map out a chord and get its name that i had found once before, and spent a while trying to hunt down again. eventually i did find it, and the name of the chord, Fmaj7(add9)/A. long name for a two finger chord.
i had a strange craving for a cigarette this afternoon. every now and then i'll be around someone who is smoking and kind of want one, but this was just completely out of the blue. odd. of course i didn't indulge myself in it.