20 May 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19990520y.png)
we went to bed about three. at seven i woke up to the noise of machinery in the direction of my van and was struck with a sudden paranoia that it was being towed (i was parked in a restricted spot). but it was only a garbage truck.
a little after eight i woke up again. this time it was a tow truck. i pulled on my pants and ran outside and said please don't tow my car. and he let me move it, thankfully. that could have been my whole life impounded.
so i moved it down the block and started walking back and this squirrel was yelling at me. i stopped and tried to ask it what it was on about, but i couldn't make any sense of it.
sonali: i dreamt that we all got seats to the star wars movie and just as the previews were supposed to start we found out that a hundred and nine foot tidal wave was about to hit the united states and everyone panicked.
after my little ordeal i wrote for a couple of hours, sonali got up, we had some breakfast, and we headed to the state capitol to take the rickety old elevator up to the top and look around. they were closing the observation deck 'cause of the rain, but we were able to take a brief look and then sat in the big marble room beneath the dome.
we went to another coffee house, called imaginatively, the coffee house. i wrote a poem about last night. we got lunch, then talked about going to see the mod squad. we missed the 305 showing by about ten minutes.
we went to a gallery. i mentioned that i thought it would be cool to make big, metal sculptures. sonali was really tired, so we came back to her apartment and she was going to take a half hour nap and we'd go to the 510 showing. i fell asleep just before five.
i napped for about an hour. sonali slept for like three. while she was asleep i wrote another poem. i haven't felt this prolific in a while. she got up, we had dinner, and finally caught the mod squad at 920. as expected it was really poor, but had enough redeeming features to be worth $1.75.
we came back and sat out on the porch and talked about music and love, and sonali asked about what i had written about her thinking she was falling in love and i got kinda cryptic and said that this all comes back to the same starting point of not wanting to speak a thing for its implications.
and i was just about to read either from my journal, or the first poem, when a bunch of her neighbors and their various friends showed up.
about 230 in the morning we came back inside and sonali said "it seemed that you were just about to say something a couple of hours ago." and i said "i think i was gonna read you my poem, but now i'm not sure." and she motioned for me to come sit next to her and read it.
i eventually sat down and wavered a bit. and after a long bit of silence started reading it. and sorta stammered over it, and started again.
i got to the end: "...if i let myself, / falling in love with you / would be as easy / as blinking my eyes." and she hugged me and said "thank you" and "i didn't know" and eventually "but you can't, you know." and i know, but sometimes i wish things were different.
a little after eight i woke up again. this time it was a tow truck. i pulled on my pants and ran outside and said please don't tow my car. and he let me move it, thankfully. that could have been my whole life impounded.
so i moved it down the block and started walking back and this squirrel was yelling at me. i stopped and tried to ask it what it was on about, but i couldn't make any sense of it.
sonali: i dreamt that we all got seats to the star wars movie and just as the previews were supposed to start we found out that a hundred and nine foot tidal wave was about to hit the united states and everyone panicked.
after my little ordeal i wrote for a couple of hours, sonali got up, we had some breakfast, and we headed to the state capitol to take the rickety old elevator up to the top and look around. they were closing the observation deck 'cause of the rain, but we were able to take a brief look and then sat in the big marble room beneath the dome.
we went to another coffee house, called imaginatively, the coffee house. i wrote a poem about last night. we got lunch, then talked about going to see the mod squad. we missed the 305 showing by about ten minutes.
we went to a gallery. i mentioned that i thought it would be cool to make big, metal sculptures. sonali was really tired, so we came back to her apartment and she was going to take a half hour nap and we'd go to the 510 showing. i fell asleep just before five.
i napped for about an hour. sonali slept for like three. while she was asleep i wrote another poem. i haven't felt this prolific in a while. she got up, we had dinner, and finally caught the mod squad at 920. as expected it was really poor, but had enough redeeming features to be worth $1.75.
we came back and sat out on the porch and talked about music and love, and sonali asked about what i had written about her thinking she was falling in love and i got kinda cryptic and said that this all comes back to the same starting point of not wanting to speak a thing for its implications.
and i was just about to read either from my journal, or the first poem, when a bunch of her neighbors and their various friends showed up.
about 230 in the morning we came back inside and sonali said "it seemed that you were just about to say something a couple of hours ago." and i said "i think i was gonna read you my poem, but now i'm not sure." and she motioned for me to come sit next to her and read it.
i eventually sat down and wavered a bit. and after a long bit of silence started reading it. and sorta stammered over it, and started again.
i got to the end: "...if i let myself, / falling in love with you / would be as easy / as blinking my eyes." and she hugged me and said "thank you" and "i didn't know" and eventually "but you can't, you know." and i know, but sometimes i wish things were different.