magicbeans. nothing if not awkward.

bean is not actually from antarctica. his heart is covered in paisleys.

he makes tiny little pictures and sometimes writes about his life.


8 August 1999

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got up early to drive mom to her starting point for six days on the appalachian trail. there's a really cool house in the town that she met the trail in that was designed and built by some famous sculptor early in the century. it looks like it's out of a faerie tale. i guess it's now a museum, but wasn't open for another couple hours, and i didn't want to sit around waiting.

i called george this afternoon. i've been thinking about going to some concerts in nyc the week after next, and it feels like i should be able to call george up and say: hey, want to go into the city tuesday night? but then i realize that he's still in texas, 1800 miles away. but i called him anyway, and we talked for a while.