magicbeans. nothing if not awkward.

bean is not actually from antarctica. his heart is covered in paisleys.

he makes tiny little pictures and sometimes writes about his life.


22 August 1999

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over the last couple of days i also failed to mention any of the interesting bits of mail i got. first and foremost, my grades from the summer program at risd. two a minuses and an a. more or less what i was expecting although not necessarily for the classes i was expecting. also school related, some official paperwork from my student loan lender. so i'm officially going into debt. using their little repayment calculator form, i figured that if i continue to borrow the maximum for my time at risd, i'll have to make payments of about 450 bucks a month as soon as i get out. that's a big bill. but school's worth it.

er!n called me back today, and we talked for an hour or so. we're going to do something next weekend. she only told me that it's the silliest thing she's heard of, and didn't believe it was real until she heard about it from a number of different people. something that was s'posed to happen this past weekend, but was postponed. so i'll be seeing what this mysterious thing is. and i'll get to show her some of the art i did at risd. and see her, which is the best part, of course.