6 September 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19990906y.png)
so i tried to get to sleep a little after midnight last night. of course i lied awake in bed for hours before actually falling asleep. and then slept into the early afternoon. of course i had some interesting dreams:
aaron, sam and i got into my van, which i kept parked on top of a hill. but aaron had driven it last, and it wasn't parked facing the direction that i was used to. i began backing up, and then van slid off the side of the hill. time slowed down as we slid into the snow-covered valley below.
when we reached the bottom we sank into some snow, and then there was a crack, and i realized we had broken through the ice on a pond and were sinking. it was almost as if we were a feather, floating on air. i knew that we had to kick out a window, and swim up tot he surface through the freezing water. we tried, but the windows wouldn't break.
we sank deeper and deeper. finally a window began to separate from the body of the van. but only a few drops of water came in. we hit the bottom, which must have been a few hundred feet down, or more. i was able to open a window, and there was air outside.
we were in a different land, far bellow the surface of the pond. it was like a perpetual twilight, in late summer. there was a house nearby, and someone from the family who lived there tried to explain to us where we were and how we survived. i asked how i could know that this wasn't all just a hallucination at the moment of my own death.
in another dream, a girl who was a friend of aaron's from college drove up in a sporty, red car. she was driving very erratically though, and kept running into things.
and in another dream, george and i were watching these kids race over lined up hay bales. it may have originally been on tv, but then we were there, although it was happening about fifteen years in the past. there was a brief merging of two disparate points in time.
i was there as a kid as well. i made eye contact with myself, but then my younger self vanished. some sort of built in defense against creating time paradoxes, i figured. but i found that i was able to exchange messages with myself. we were writing back and forth to each other on a paint can that was sitting on the ground.
it was hard to read the messages, but some words got through, enough to piece things together. just as the connection between the two points in time was fading, i told my past self to register lots of simple domain names on the internet a few years down the line, knowing what a good domain name is going for now.
later it was some number of years in the future. i was sitting in the courtyard of a space-age-esque sort of building with a friend of mine who owned or managed a baseball team or something. he was leaving on some kind of vacation, but there was more too it than there. there were political implications of some sort.
[i've also retroactively added a dream to yesterday's entry which i forgot to type up last night.]
i spent some time this evening trying to come up with a redesign for my site. i do this periodically, but haven't come up with anything good yet. i'd like to redo it before i go back to school, 'cause once i do, i know i won't have any time to work on it for a few months at least.
aaron, sam and i got into my van, which i kept parked on top of a hill. but aaron had driven it last, and it wasn't parked facing the direction that i was used to. i began backing up, and then van slid off the side of the hill. time slowed down as we slid into the snow-covered valley below.
when we reached the bottom we sank into some snow, and then there was a crack, and i realized we had broken through the ice on a pond and were sinking. it was almost as if we were a feather, floating on air. i knew that we had to kick out a window, and swim up tot he surface through the freezing water. we tried, but the windows wouldn't break.
we sank deeper and deeper. finally a window began to separate from the body of the van. but only a few drops of water came in. we hit the bottom, which must have been a few hundred feet down, or more. i was able to open a window, and there was air outside.
we were in a different land, far bellow the surface of the pond. it was like a perpetual twilight, in late summer. there was a house nearby, and someone from the family who lived there tried to explain to us where we were and how we survived. i asked how i could know that this wasn't all just a hallucination at the moment of my own death.
in another dream, a girl who was a friend of aaron's from college drove up in a sporty, red car. she was driving very erratically though, and kept running into things.
and in another dream, george and i were watching these kids race over lined up hay bales. it may have originally been on tv, but then we were there, although it was happening about fifteen years in the past. there was a brief merging of two disparate points in time.
i was there as a kid as well. i made eye contact with myself, but then my younger self vanished. some sort of built in defense against creating time paradoxes, i figured. but i found that i was able to exchange messages with myself. we were writing back and forth to each other on a paint can that was sitting on the ground.
it was hard to read the messages, but some words got through, enough to piece things together. just as the connection between the two points in time was fading, i told my past self to register lots of simple domain names on the internet a few years down the line, knowing what a good domain name is going for now.
later it was some number of years in the future. i was sitting in the courtyard of a space-age-esque sort of building with a friend of mine who owned or managed a baseball team or something. he was leaving on some kind of vacation, but there was more too it than there. there were political implications of some sort.
[i've also retroactively added a dream to yesterday's entry which i forgot to type up last night.]
i spent some time this evening trying to come up with a redesign for my site. i do this periodically, but haven't come up with anything good yet. i'd like to redo it before i go back to school, 'cause once i do, i know i won't have any time to work on it for a few months at least.