8 October 1999
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five hours of sleep for the second night in a row. i had an awfully hard time waking up this morning.
i went down to the studio early to work on my drawings of the stupid bus shelter some more. then i went on the first "walking tour of providence" for materials and methods. basically a survey of buildings that jim barnes finds interesting or informative. for extra credit we have to go back and sketch an important detail of a few of them and do some research into the building's background (architect, date it was built, etc).
then i went searching for orange clothes. there were some cool nylon raver outfits at this discount/overstock clothes place downtown. but i still wanted to take a look at the salvation army.
went back to the studio, drew a couple more lines. on top of the final presentation versions of these drawings, we were assigned a project to make a model displaying the method for transforming an orthographic drawing into an isometric drawing. it's actually a pretty cool project, but that's a lot of work for next week.
and the teachers apparently thought so too, they got together between the lecture and the studio part of class and decided to postpone the due date for the model a week. then we had a team desk crit of our drawings. i definitely shouldn't have been worrying about it enough to stay in the studio until one last night.
adam, vanessa, amy, and i went back out to the site to take some more measurements. then i had amy drop me off at the salvation army. of course there were no orange clothes in anything approaching my size. it was about quarter of five at this point, and the store downtown closed at 530. i was on foot and a couple of miles away.
and so i did my best to walk quickly. i figured i could swing by my room, pick up my bike, and ride the rest of the way. when i got to the brown clocktower, it said that it was almost six. i wondered if the clock in amy's car could have been wrong. turns out the brown clocktower is, it was 515 when i got back to my room.
so i jumped on my bike and rode downtown and bought the nylon raver outfit. they had some great goggles at this store too, that i wouldn't be able to wear without being blind. sometimes glasses are a pain (mostly i like them though).
all in all i think the exercise was good for me. i'm going to have to get a good night sleep tonight. but as long as all the time outside didn't aggravate my cold, i should be all good.
i went down to the studio early to work on my drawings of the stupid bus shelter some more. then i went on the first "walking tour of providence" for materials and methods. basically a survey of buildings that jim barnes finds interesting or informative. for extra credit we have to go back and sketch an important detail of a few of them and do some research into the building's background (architect, date it was built, etc).
then i went searching for orange clothes. there were some cool nylon raver outfits at this discount/overstock clothes place downtown. but i still wanted to take a look at the salvation army.
went back to the studio, drew a couple more lines. on top of the final presentation versions of these drawings, we were assigned a project to make a model displaying the method for transforming an orthographic drawing into an isometric drawing. it's actually a pretty cool project, but that's a lot of work for next week.
and the teachers apparently thought so too, they got together between the lecture and the studio part of class and decided to postpone the due date for the model a week. then we had a team desk crit of our drawings. i definitely shouldn't have been worrying about it enough to stay in the studio until one last night.
adam, vanessa, amy, and i went back out to the site to take some more measurements. then i had amy drop me off at the salvation army. of course there were no orange clothes in anything approaching my size. it was about quarter of five at this point, and the store downtown closed at 530. i was on foot and a couple of miles away.
and so i did my best to walk quickly. i figured i could swing by my room, pick up my bike, and ride the rest of the way. when i got to the brown clocktower, it said that it was almost six. i wondered if the clock in amy's car could have been wrong. turns out the brown clocktower is, it was 515 when i got back to my room.
so i jumped on my bike and rode downtown and bought the nylon raver outfit. they had some great goggles at this store too, that i wouldn't be able to wear without being blind. sometimes glasses are a pain (mostly i like them though).
all in all i think the exercise was good for me. i'm going to have to get a good night sleep tonight. but as long as all the time outside didn't aggravate my cold, i should be all good.