27 October 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19991027a.gif)
nikki sent me this a few days ago. the instructions were to remove the info of the person who sent it, put in yr own, send it back and on to a bunch more people. i'm not all that into sending on chain emails of any sort, but i figured i'd answer it here.
- NAME: bean amerika.
- SEX: meep. (it's a mushism, you only need the first letter.)
- LIVING ARRANGEMENT: campus housing at risd. i left my apartment in austin to come back to school, so outside of here i'm basically homeless.
- YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW: haven't watched any tv since early september. last season i thought the best shows on tv were sports night, law and order, buffy, cupid, the simpsons, and futurama.
- FAVORITE BOARD GAME: scrabble? maybe clue. there was this game called ubi by the guys who made trivial pursuit that was really cool, but i haven't played it in years.
- FAVORITE MAGAZINES: a+u, the japan architect, architectural record, issues of scientific american from the 1980s.
- FAVORITE SMELLS: lilacs, rain, allison's hair ca. 1992.
- BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD: playing in a summer downpour at night with lightning.
- FAVORITE SOUNDTRACK: passion, peter gabriel's score for the last temptation of christ, is probably the closest thing in my recent listening habits.
- WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE IN THE MORNING?: that i'd like to get back to my dreams, usually.
- PEN OR PENCIL?: red pen for most purposes. 4h, 2h, or hb drafting leads for architectural sorts of stuff. sharpies are useful too.
- HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE?: i'm kinda afraid of phones.
- FUTURE SON'S/DAUGHTER'S NAME: i'm not planning on having kids. if i could name someone else's kids, it would probably have to be obscure flowers or colours or minerals.
- FAVORITE FOODS: veggie sushi, particularly daikon pickle maki. stir-fry with mushrooms and yellow onions. chick-peas. i wish that there were more foods that tasted like flowers smell.
- DO YOU GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS: i think i was awfully lucky to get two really cool parents.
- CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA?: depends on the context. in my pre-vegan days, if we were talking about ice cream, it would have been vanilla (if it was natural vanilla). i can only take chocolate in small doses.
- DO YOU SLEEP WITH STUFFED ANIMALS?: in my bed, no. there are a few in my bedroom, the most important of which is mr. bear (i know it's such a creative name) who's been with me all my life.
- IF YOU COULD MEET ONE PERSON, DEAD OR ALIVE, WHO WOULD IT BE?: that's something that changes with whatever i happen to be interested in at the moment. if i had to pick just one, maybe jesus. i'm fascinated with the idea that a person could become the most important figure of, in effect, world history.
- FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK: i haven't been drinking recently either. but plum wine.
- WHAT IS YOUR ZODIAC SIGN?: cancer. and the chinese year of the rabbit.
- GUYS: IF A GIRL ASKED FOR THE SHIRT OFF YOUR BACK, WOULD YOU GIVE IT? / GIRLS: WOULD YOU EVER ASK A GUY FOR HIS SHIRT?: i hate these sorts of questions that are different for boys and girls. and this one's pretty stupid. but for completeness sake, it depends on why she was asking. if it was for the reason that i suspect this question was meant to imply, the "protector" male providing for the "helpless" female (at his own expense) and in the process marking "his property", then you can probably guess what i'd say. if, on the other hand, she just absolutely needed it for some nifty artistic endeavor, than why not?
- WHAT IS ON YOUR WALLS IN YOUR ROOM?: very little. a calendar with aerial photos of crop circles in england. a painting i did over the summer of congdon house lounge. (some drawings that er!n did during a phone conversation of ours if i ever find the time to put them up.) in my studio, where i spend more time than my room, i've got a giant photocopy of a section (in architectural terms) of a project i did. pictures that i took of my brothers aaron and sam. postcards from my mom from spain. a little write-up and picture of the aoyama technical college by makoto sei watanabe. and rotating sketches, drawings, and photocopies of whatever i'm working on.
- IS THE GLASS HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL?: there's a bunch of them. they have varying degrees of different stuff in them. some are growing mold.
- WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SNAPPLE?: i don't really like snapple. occasionally i'll have a lemonade or kiwi strawberry.
- FAVORITE MOVIE(S)?: rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead, the delicate art of the rifle.
- ARE YOU A LEFTY, RIGHTY, OR AMBIDEXTROUS?: righty mostly. i draw with wet charcoal with my left hand. i can eat with chopsticks with either.
- DO YOU TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS?: this follows from the last actually. i use most of the fingers on my left hand but only my right thumb and index finger. i type quickly, but not "correctly".
- WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED?: some dirty clothes.
- WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NUMBER?: 8. (it's infinity on it's side.)
- WHAT IS YOUR DREAM CAR?: new beetle. metallic orange (which is not an available colour).
- FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH: i'd like to see a "pointless sports network" on tv. serious things like croquet tournaments, to sillier things like tree climbing, to truly pointless things like people playing license plate spotting games and twenty questions on car trips.
- SAY ONE NICE THING ABOUT THE PERSON(S) WHO SENT THIS TO YOU: nikki is truly an amazing artist. over the summer, alex.h was trying to figure out the shapes of organs, and in like five minutes she drew this incredibly rendered heart. and i saw her draw this horse from memory once, which doesn't sound hard, but you wouldn't want to see the last drawing that i tried to do of a horse.
- PERSONS YOU SENT THIS TO WHO ARE LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND: well, since i'm not actually sending it to anyone, i'm not exactly expecting any responses.