22 November 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19991122a.gif)
halfway through today i thought that i had completely forgotten the dreams that i had this morning, which i remembered only as being interesting. later i noticed that i had in fact jotted down a few notes upon waking.
the two bits that i recalled may have been from one dream. they were both about studio classes. the first was an architecture studio, my project was some sort of opera house/performing arts center with on-site housing made of scrap metal, like old cars and such. the other was a photo (or maybe illustration, or maybe graphic design studio) that i had switched into halfway through the semester. the project was to photograph and design something that may have been a tarot deck. i was (understandably) behind, but i think it was because i never got part of an assignment.
after classes this morning it almost immediately began to feel like sunday afternoon again. and now it kinda feels like tomorrow's sunday again. an infinity of sundays. and then of course there's no school wednesday through the real sunday.
finally started actually sketching for my design project. quickly concluded that what is important at this stage is a site. i like the idea of being able to design the site as well as the building (that's not something you get a lot of opportunities to do in conventional architecture) but it's giving me a hard time. i've got too many ideas for sites.
i wrote up a description of one of them tonight:
the two bits that i recalled may have been from one dream. they were both about studio classes. the first was an architecture studio, my project was some sort of opera house/performing arts center with on-site housing made of scrap metal, like old cars and such. the other was a photo (or maybe illustration, or maybe graphic design studio) that i had switched into halfway through the semester. the project was to photograph and design something that may have been a tarot deck. i was (understandably) behind, but i think it was because i never got part of an assignment.
after classes this morning it almost immediately began to feel like sunday afternoon again. and now it kinda feels like tomorrow's sunday again. an infinity of sundays. and then of course there's no school wednesday through the real sunday.
finally started actually sketching for my design project. quickly concluded that what is important at this stage is a site. i like the idea of being able to design the site as well as the building (that's not something you get a lot of opportunities to do in conventional architecture) but it's giving me a hard time. i've got too many ideas for sites.
i wrote up a description of one of them tonight:
the water is green. yellow green to almost forest green. it is beautiful. the hues swarm together to form infinite variations of colour. but they are colours that water shouldn't be. a short ways off are ponds of robin's egg blue. and beyond that grey, and unreflective, midnight black, but starless: flat, motionless voids, like tar-pits, that could swallow up anything, to be found by archaeologists of some future race.the point of course being that this is an industrial plant waste pond. you'd never go swimming in it. i'm not sure i want to be that political though. some of my other ideas are just as ironic, but with different overtones. i think i'll try to write one or two more descriptions tonight.
there is some vegetation, the scraggliest of sturdy grasses and small bushes. some trees towards the horizon. most of the land is sandy soil, salmon, peach, chalk, other shades of orange and pink and off-white. at the pond's edge it is stained grey, tainting the mystery implicit in the water's colour.
the afternoon sunlight is filtered through smoke stacks that dominate the skyline. the are grey, monumental, towering above nondescript industrial buildings. if you turn yr back on this, you face railroad tracks, and just beyond, a vast black pond that seems as if it will consume you, just in the looking.