5 February 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000205a.gif)
got up at a reasonable hour (for a saturday) but i still didn't get to the met for brunch until after one.
spent my library shift working out how i could pull off an architecture/film double major. i think it would be possible, especially 'cause i have most of my liberal arts out of the way. i'd have to do art history over a summer, but i'm thinking about doing that anyway. and i'd only have one or two electives for my final three years here. but. i'm going to have to talk to my advisor about it early next semester.
just shy of six i remembered that they might be giants were in town tonight, and that i had been thinking about going. doors opened at 630, and i still needed to eat dinner, so i wasn't going to be right up front, but i decided i should go anyway.
got there about fifteen minutes before the show started. got a decent spot to the side of the stage, kinda near the sound guy. a giants side project, john linnell and the statesmen, opened. all their songs seem to be about states. i can just see him writing all these songs, and flansburgh saying, "i'm not playing all those state songs. yr gonna have to get yrself another band." a good deal of the audience seemed to know all the songs word for word. i wasn't even aware the band existed, but i guess i don't actually even own any tmbg albums.
during the stage change this cute little asian girl came up and stood next to me. and proceeded to steal my spot when i moved to let the sound guy out. but she was short, so that was okay.
the club had some security in front of the stage. it's the first time i've ever seen security at a tmbg show. and ironically, it was the best behaved crowd i've ever seen at a tmbg show as well. even less rowdy than northampton.
it was a very different show than the last couple i've been to. a new intro, just warbling feedback. no more confetti cannon. no more puppet heads. no props at all, actually, except the glockenspiel, which is a musical prop. they're touring with a horn section, the velcro horns, or somesuch. a second guitarist. they're more comfortable with the full band. they seemed more playful than ever, even with the tried and true classics.
not too many pre-flood songs (unfortunately). a couple of my favourites tho, "ana ng" and "she's an angel". plus "shoehorn with teeth" and "don't lets start". a few off of flood. some of the regular concert songs from the newer albums. (notice how i classify everything post-flood, released in 1990, ten years ago, as new?) quite a bit of other newish and brand new stuff. some on-stage improvising and re-writing of songs. two encores. a fun show, as always.
saw allen (of mixed media fame) afterwards, i figured there had to be some people i knew there. didn't see any others though. what kinda art student wouldn't want to see tmbg?
and home, and back to the cleaning that i've been putting off. it's really not as big a job as it seems. of course i'm not done, but it's looking better already. don't think i'm going to get around to touching the workroom though.