8 February 2000
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this morning seemed like so long ago that i had to lie down to remember it. and i fell asleep for two hours. but now, back to the morning:
had a video editing appointment at nine. i never found the remote control for my vcr, and so was once again completely unprepared for the work i wanted to do. i ended up transferring bits of the first tape i took with my camera to vhs. and making a copy of the edited performance that i did with christine onto a new tape. but still didn't get around to doing a lot of the work that i wanted to do.
spent a half hour putting up the fluorescent posters that i made at kinko's. it's amazing what a little colour will do for visibility. the day of is awful last minute, but when am i not?
looked at some apartments with garth and chris. i rather liked the first one, but i don't think either of them did. it was a little cramped. but felt cozy to me, as opposed to claustrophobic. i wasn't as thrilled with the other places we saw. we might do some more looking later in the week.
lunch. and then to work on my performance. jennifer was going home, and said she'd stop by home depot and pick me up some astroturf. yay. i walked out to the salvation army in search of white clothes. i remember walking out that way over the summer and trying to stay in the shade of buildings because it was so hot in the sun. today i did my best to stay out of the shade of buildings, because the sun was the only source of warmth.
came back. bought some white paint. stopped by the working art show (they did projects with gears and pulleys and weights and stuff) and there were some really cool things, but i was stressing a bit too much at this point to completely enjoy it.
two hours in the library. time to work out some sort of ending to my piece. came up with something. red paint. islamic myth. prolly wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to anyone but me, but would close the piece.
and an hour from the performance, things were all coming together. figuring out where in the room people were performing. the order. before long, the audience started showing up.
i covered my arms/head/feet in white paint. had all white clothes. went towards the end of the night. first read a monologue in complete darkness. at the end, i turned on a floor lamp that illuminated a small circle of fake grass. i entered it, did a ritualistic sort of bit. drew sixty-four black squares on myself. and then dipped my hands in red paint and recited another bit of text about iblis.
it went pretty well. it would have been nice to practice with all the paint. there's always things you'd do differently. some i didn't think of until watching the video later. which is a good point to say that the first three pix for today are stills from said video. the fourth and fifth are "after" photos, one b&w, one colour.
a lot of people showed up. which was really cool. i'm not going to go into a long list of naming everyone. but it was nice.
came home and showered. read my email. then took the inadvertent two hour nap that i started out by mentioning above.