27 February 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000227a.gif)
woke up late-ish. checked my email first thing out of bed, as i feel doing something that requires at least a little mental activity helps wake me up. i was about to take a shower when the phone rang.
er!n, half an hour outside of providence, on her way up to maine. and she thought she'd stop by and hang out for a bit. went out and had lots of veggie sushi for lunch. talked. it was nice. it's too bad that i don't get to see her more often. that i've never really gotten to see her more often since we were both in school in winsted.
she left, continuing on her way, maybe to visit another friend in boston, or on to maine. i started thinking about heading back to the studio. the phone rang again.
sonali, a bit further than half an hour away. but she will be here in two weeks. yay! we talked for a bit.
at this point, i ended up taking a nap rather than going down to the studio. dinner was a disappointment after having a great lunch. spent the whole evening in the studio. didn't accomplish much.