29 February 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000229a.gif)
leap day. i spent over sixteen hours of it in the beb.
our pin up this morning went much more smoothly than i was expecting. i kinda felt as if we hadn't really accomplished much, but andrew seemed to be pretty happy with the work. which is odd, because last thursday i had felt that his expectations were set a bit on the high side. but, i guess that we did get a pretty good deal done over the weekend and, mostly, last night.
after lunch we went as an entire class, 75 or so, from section to section so that each could explain what they had been working on. it turned into a giant crit of sorts, with all the faculty (or lynette and michelle mainly) finding faults with all the work. and making some useful comments too, but i was tired and half the time could see or hear what people were presenting over the crowd, and so by the end was seeing it all from a bit of a cranky perspective.
and that, plus a small discussion within our section at the end of the day, ran past 630, and i had to be back in the beb at seven for opera, so i just passed on dinner. somehow, on three hours of sleep and very little food i managed to stay awake for three hours in a dark room with music playing. the cup of tea probably had a little to do with it. i'm starting to use caffeine on a semi-regular basis, which scares me a little.
the other strange little out of character quirk that i've noticed recently, and not so much today, as the last couple, is that i've found myself attracted to basically anyone who fits, more or less, into my sense of attractiveness. which may not sound weird, because generally finding someone attractive means that you are, in fact, attracted to them to some extent. but most of the time i'm not. and it's not a sexual attraction exactly, just sort of a nebulous, free-floating cloud of generic attraction, stopping and commanding my attention briefly, and then moving on.