4 April 2000
we got our next studio project today. a group of temporary, open-air theatres for a film festival. the first phase is an analysis / survey of the site. individually, and as a group. eek, more coordination, but only within our section this time.
we didn't go out to the site today though, as it rained all afternoon.
i almost forgot i about my opera class again. i was thinking about going to see magnolia at the cable car, but ran into someone else from my class at dinner. (actually, i had seen her at lunch too, and she mentioned class then, but in the intervening hours it completely slipped my mind again.)
we watched la bohème. and actually the same production of it that i saw in my last opera class. i'm not too into the music (the whole italian opera thing) but i do kinda like the story. i'd like to see it set in the present with much more sarcastic overtones though.
i worked in studio for a while afterwards and swung past the site for our studio project on my way home. it was kinda drizzling and i got the hiccups.
today's soundtrack: karate, karate; geoff farina, usonian dream sequence; opera class (see above).