18 April 2000
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got up this morning and spent about half an hour sleeping in the shower. got half dressed, was in the middle of towel drying my hair, and figured i'd lie down for a minute with the towel wrapped around my head. fell asleep for another half hour and had an odd dream:
i was walking to the beb with some other architecture students, but somehow we were on a different street than south main. i though that this was a little odd, but not enough to really distress me. when we got there, the front steps were under construction. i noticed this, but not the fact that the beb was an entirely different building. i had to hoist myself up onto the patio in front of the building, and while doing so realized that i didn't have my glasses, and figured i'd have to go back home for them. then i had them, but noticed that i was only in my underwear. at this point i was pretty sure that i was dreaming, and that i could just conjure up some clothes.
i had been planning on getting to studio early this morning, and doing some more work before class officially started. but, after my little nap that didn't happen. got there on time though. and we again had crits in small groups, so i had most of the day to work.
at one point i nodded off (again) at my desk and was having a dream about squirrels when paul woke me up to ask me something about statics.
garth, chris.k, and i looked at another place this evening. it was kinda run down. but cheap. i don't know.