21 April 2000
i'm on top of a tall building. i have two packs of cards (probably about 200 cards per pack) bundled with rubber bands. i drop one off of the building. it bounces a few times, and someone picks it up and puts it in a garbage can. this upsets me, but i guess i'm glad that they didn't walk off with it. i wait for the sun to move across the sky. i wait for the shadows to lengthen so that i can flip myself over the edge of the building, swing down, and jump to the ground without hurting myself.
on the street is a man with a gun. i am scared that he will shoot me. i hide behind a lamp post that does not offer protection, but keeps our eyes from meeting. if we do not make eye contact, maybe he won't shoot me.
there is a car in a parking lot that is covered with comics. i am reading the comics. susie and stacey walk by. alex.h walks by. i thought you already left for japan i say. tomorrow he says.
we steal coat hangers from a truck. we carry them inside along with milk crates full of books. there is a woman who works for risd public safety inside. i try to hide my stolen coat hangers. she asks if i have seen an oil truck in the parking lot. i think that she is on to me. she is trying to get me to talk about the truck that we stole the coat hangers from. no i haven't i say. i look outside. the truck is leaving. i am glad.
i knock on sam's door. he is watching the simpsons with his roommate and some friends. one of his friends is a nudist. sam is planning a trip.
sam and i are in a church. we climb a number of flights of stairs. sam keeps going up and up to the top floor where the organ is. i follow him. sam is playing the organ. the floor is made of glass. i am terrified. i can not move. i inch my way back to the stairwell. the whole floor is made of glass and very high up. some kids want to use the organ. one boy wants to play a bjork song for his girlfriend. sam says okay. the floor is glass and i am scared.
it's thundering. i'm too tired to really appreciate it.
sarah and i were s'posed to meet about our islamic architecture project tonight. at six or seven. i got home at quarter to eight. called her. no answer.
called my dad.
chris.k was screaming out his window across the courtyard. i threw pennies at him. he and garth came up and hung out. took quickcam pix, edited them, and put the on the pix page.