9 May 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000509a.gif)
andrew was upset with the fact that no one in our studio section got much done over the last week. understandably so, i guess. it is the end of the semester, which i believe is the cause, but not because summer's coming and people aren't as serious about their work, but because all of our other classes are coming to an end too, and we have to catch up on all the stuff that we've been neglecting all semester in the name of studio.
the second two finalist for the central block project were on campus today. heikkinen & komonen and steven holl.
mikko heikkinen and markku komonen seemed interesting. i got the feeling that they'd approach the project in an interesting way. but, i don't really like much of their built work. at least from photos. you have to actually experience architecture to really make those sorts of judgments.
steven holl was by far the most eloquent of the four finalists. but i was trying to keep in mind that he's the only one for whom english is his native language.
i'm sure it will end up being a neat building whichever of the four get the commission to design it.
and tonight i gave my presentation on dido and aeneas for opera class. chick introduced me as his "star drawing pupil" and then i think wanted to take it back when i didn't have a set design sketch to show with my talk. next week, hopefully.