13 May 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000513a.gif)
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000513b.gif)
registration was this morning. i had a nine o'clock appointment. in the first group, so it seemed there was a good chance of getting something i wanted to take. that is, assuming that there was really anything that i did want to take that would fit into my schedule and wasn't restricted to those majoring in it's respective department.
i had basically narrowed it down to intro to jewelry and metalworking. sculpture on a small scale. it's not film, but it would probably be cool.
i set my alarm for seven thirty. i double checked it. i woke up to the sound of someone's shower running, and thought that it was unlikely that there would be someone showering at seven thirty. i put on my glasses and looked over at my clock. nine on the dot. eek.
i pulled on the clothes that i had worn yesterday, and bolted for the door. jogged down to registration. got there just after nine, towards the end of my group, but there was a line anyway. waited in line about fifteen minutes. then it was my turn.
the class i wanted was full. already. (probably with seniors and grads, so i shouldn't feel bad about not being at the front of the nine o'clock line.) so, okay, second choice. installation art: history and practise. comes up as sculpture majors only (although it had not mentioned this in the course listings). okay, fine. i didn't really want that class anyway. i'll take a liberal arts class, as i need to fulfill my history, philosophy, social science credits. aesthetics of everyday, full. visual perception, full.
there was only one more class that would fit my schedule that i was even remotely interested in. sung ho's computer class that i didn't take over wintersession, 'cause i thought it was going to be too much work then. i'm not at all sure that i'm going to be able to do it during a regular semester. on top of which i have this terrible fear that he hates me for begging my way into the wintersession class and then just not following through with it. i had been planning on emailing him to explain, but never got around to it.
so, we'll see i guess.
began typing up the last week or so worth of entries this morning. i've been so busy with this end of the semester stuff, that i come home at three or four every night and just go right to bed. of course i still haven't scanned or taken photos of any of the stuff i'm planning on putting up for daily pix. so the entries will probably languish in purgatory (or carrot's tmp directory) for a while longer.
spent the rest of the day in the studio working on my drawings. i'm at a point where i'm terribly frustrated with my project. feeling as if i should have tackled something entirely different.
saturday night and most everyone was in the studio. which is kind of nice. i haven't really decided if i work better with lots of people around who are working or only a few. either way it's better than being alone and trying to work. some people can do that, and on one hand the lack of potential distraction is good, but i tend to find that i have very little motivation when i'm by myself. less than normal even.
came home a bit after four. planning on going back pretty early tomorrow.