4 July 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000704a.gif)
cybèle dropped by early this afternoon, and upon finding that we had no food, (these new hours at work have made supermarket trips difficult) she decided to go home and come back with some.
in the interim chris went to this barbecue down the block, which didn't sound like my sort of thing, and i expected it to be a bunch of people who i didn't really know. (chris later said that i would have actually known most of the people there, but i had a fine time sitting at home and reading.) over the course of this get-together a group of people decided to go to boston for the fireworks. i would have liked to go, as i did last summer, but cybèle was coming back and i couldn't very well just leave.
as it turns out, she arrived just as chris was heading out, and after discussing the lack of things you can make with just potatoes, we decided to see if we could catch up with chris and the rest of those heading boston-ward, but it seemed they had already left.
"do you want to go to the zoo?" cybèle asked at this point.
"it's probably not open, fourth of july and all."
"probably not. do you want to go to the beach?"
"if i can remember how to get there." and actually i did pretty well in reconstructing the drive to the risd farm (where we rebuilt le corbusier's cabanon), and only got slightly lost when we had to detour because of an accident. although that afforded seeing a rather neat house that had been built in the form of a scaled down lighthouse.
we waded in the ocean. cybèle want swimming and i played with seaweed. we watched fireworks that were going off all around the bay. a light wind was coming off the ocean and it was raining slightly.
we came back after it got dark. stopped by home so i could close my windows in the case the rain picked up and so cybèle could pick up her potatoes. she suggested watching a video. since all the video stores were likely to be closed, i grabbed one of the movies i've taped off of the independent film channel, the delicate art of the rifle.
i managed to find my way home from cybèle's without too much trouble, and got there about fifteen minutes before chris arrived back from boston.