8 July 2000
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![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000708b.gif)
another dream about allison. i can't remember the details, but it was broken up into scenes, each defined by a photograph. in the dream at least, i was pretty definitely not over her.
but then another dream about a different girl. we arrived at the same place (by train? airplane?) and didn't know each other, were meeting different people, but were headed in the same direction. we talked, and when we reached a point where we were to separate the dream split into another level, in which the events of the dream, and of possible futures of the dream, were being surrealized, and serialized in the form of a computer game, or a comic book, or another dream. in this sub-dream, we dated, we may have lived together for a while, then i woke into the higher level dream (or maybe even a level beyond that, but still dreaming) to find myself standing in a kitchen, holding a towel, and talking to chris.k.
woke up out of all this meta-dreaming about noon. i had spent the morning (from about 630) drifting in and out of sleep, but had been deep asleep since 1030.
i tried some more things with my modem. none of them worked. but then i tried dialing io in austin. no problem. so it's only this modem in conjunction with the isp that risd leases accounts from for off-campus access. i called tech support again, and the guy i was talking to was being moderately helpful, when the cordless phone died without any sort of warning. he called back, but the modem picked up the phone, and i couldn't get the cordless to do a thing.
eventually i dug out my non-cordless, and after waiting a while, called tech support again. got a different guy, who was trying to convince me that i had to change my dns settings, because that's one of the only things you can change on a mac, and macs give bad error messages, so that might be the problem. i tried to tell him that no, it was not the problem, and that i knew what i was talking about.
the call-waiting beeped, and it was the first tech support agent with the suggestion to check out modemhelp.org, to see if there was an updated drive or anything for my modem. which i thought was a rather good suggestion. (i had been curious if something like that site existed.)
as it turns out, the company that made what i thought was just a generic hayes compatible modem, is still in business, is still making modems, and claims to offer tech support on any of their products as long as you are using them. they didn't have much in the way of mac support files on their website, except for a flash wizard (?) that will only run under a new version of the macos. but i emailed their tech support, so we'll see.
talked with daniel about the possibility of him going down to stamford and reconfiguring daikon himself, with remote support from me. and then moving services over to it, with the eventual goal of reconfiguring carrot as well. might be the way we'll have to do it.