19 July 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000719a.gif)
i dreamt that i had been in a movie when i was a kid. it was some sort of zorro/robin hood type of movie, and i had been in some supporting role, a kid who knew the hero's true identity. i didn't really remember the experience, and had more or less forgotten about the whole thing until i read that the lead actor, who had gone on to become a musician, had died of food poisoning. in the obituary it talked about how he had always wanted to make more movies with that hero character, and i wished that he had because then i could have become a movie star.
later (in another dream?) i was in a van with a bunch of people. it might have been my van, but i wasn't driving. we stopped to pick someone up, and i saw a kid on a tricycle riding on a small frozen pond. the ice cracked and the kid fell in, and was just sort of lying in the freezing water, not trying to get out. so i hopped out of the van and pulled him out of the water, which was only about two feet deep. he didn't seem happy about this, and i thought he'd just try to get back in, so i brought him to the house nearby, which i assumed was his, and told his mom (?) who was on the phone in a back room to keep an eye on him. we set out again, and the kid's older brother, who we had originally stopped to pick up, came running out after the van.
that evening i was going out with a girl who had been in this group of people, who i believe was a cross between lovetta from his name is alive and the girl who was sitting in the front row center (in front of chris) at the show last night. it was getting cold, and she only had on a t-shirt, so we went back to her apartment so she could get something warmer.
aaron bought a domain name the other day, which i set the tech stuff up for this morning. so all three of us have our own domains now. how tech-savvy.
cybèle came by after work tonight with some groceries that she wanted to cook. she also had a lime, and finding ourselves now in the possession of two limes, thought it only fitting to buy some mexican beer.
i hadn't eaten all the much today, and was feeling the beer a bit after just one bottle. dinner offset that some, but chris and cybèle decided that they had never seen me drunk except when they had themselves been, and so i should drink most of the beer. and it was a wednesday night, but.
and i think we spent most of the evening talking about relationships. and then i went to go write some email. had a volley of absurdist email with george. [which he has since put on his site, but since his back journal entries are not linked from anywhere at present, it might no longer be there.] and wrote to geoff farina of the secret stars about how i had figured out that his song "back in the car" uses the exact same melody as the bauhaus song "hope". he wrote me back inside of ten minutes (at two am, wednesday night), saying it was probably subconscious and that there were more blatant rip-offs on secret stars albums.
and while i was writing email, chris and cybèle, three and two beers respectively, kinda passed out on the couch in the other room.