27 July 2000
julie, the part time reference librarian with whom i've worked about half of my shifts in the library, left today to move onto bigger and better things. or the web design industry at least. i enjoyed working with her, and i wish her the best.
frank, the library stacks supervisor, also left today, although not so much under his own free will. the word is that he had seen it coming though. he was basically a glorified shelver, with a college degree, and hated the job anyway.
so the net total is minus two library employees. this all happens about the same time that i find myself interested in library cataloguing and classification systems, and start hunting down reference books on library science. and word is that i'm "earmarked" as the ehp librarian if i go to rome the year after next. i'd be a little worried, except that last week it was daniel libeskind and antonio sant'elia, the week before it was h. p. lovecraft, and next week it will be something else entirely.