30 July 2000
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![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000730b.gif)
epic narrative dreams. "fish/rare coins -- intrigue/guns." i could probably reconstruct a little bit more than that, but it wouldn't have full effect without the details.
we decided to do the veggie sushi thing for lunch, since we would be out of town around dinner time. that worked out okay. chris won't be around next week. and then i won't be around for the following two. but we're going to try and keep it going anyway.
cybèle had been invited to the wedding of a couple of her northampton friends today, and over the last few weeks managed to convince chris and i to come along with her. we got off to a bit of a slow start and had some navigation problems getting there, and so arrived quite a bit later than the time on the invitation, but only a few minutes after the ceremony actually started.
it was outdoors, by a fairly scenic overlook, and it was raining slightly and a bit foggy. not a bad day to get married in my opinion. the bride and groom are apparently pagans, but were having a more or less traditional wedding for their parents' sakes. the priest (?, justice of the peace?) was wearing a hawaiian shirt though.
the reception meal wasn't all that vegan-friendly, but our server, a very cute girl named courtney who i spent a good deal of the ride home thinking about (when we weren't discussing wacky, but plausible town names), seemed genuinely concerned that i get something to eat, and had a pasta dish made up. it had tomato sauce, but it was free, and i was hungry, so i did my best.
other than the headache that i had for pretty much the whole evening, it was an enjoyable enough experience. if i ever get married i definitely don't think i could do the big formal wedding thing though.