28 August 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000828a.gif)
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000828b.gif)
i dreamt that i was living in the upstairs of a big house. there was a grand staircase from the large foyer, of the sort that would normally lead up to the second floor, but instead lead down to the basement, where another group of people lived. they were having a party, and their guests kept wandering up the stairs and around our (i'm not sure who i was living with, but i wasn't living there by myself) part of the house. i wanted to go out, but was afraid to leave with all those strangers about.
in another dream it was winter, and my mom, sam, george, and i were coming home from somewhere in my van. we stopped about a half mile from home where there was this heated fountain in order to warm up. (the car must not have had heat, but i don't know why we stopped so close to home.) i wanted to put my feet in the fountain, so i was taking my socks and shoes off, and taking everything out of my pockets for some reason, when the woman who owned the house next door, and presumably the fountain as well, came by. she didn't tell us to leave, but was a bitch about us being there. i started to gather up my stuff, but all of a sudden there was much more than could have come from my pockets.
so i didn't do a whole lot today either. i did see the first episode of sliders on the sci-fi channel. which i believe is the only episode from the first season that i've never seen. but yeah, big accomplishment, i know.