4 September 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000904a.gif)
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000904b.gif)
so, after staying up until four or so with the whole hair dying thing, i was woken up at some terribly early hour by the sound of a power saw across the street. if i were the type to yell at strangers, i would have opened my window and screamed something like: it's fucking labour day, go to the beach or something. however, mother nature interceded on my behalf, and it started pouring.
and that was real nice, but of course the dripping that occurs inside my window when it rains really hard started getting to me at this point. and then the phone rang. garth, telling us to close his windows, which i had already done. and then the doorbell rang, a woman conducting a survey about drug use for some national health organization. chris.k lied to her to get her to go away.
turned into a beautiful day though. it cooled down. it was overcast. yay.
dave and christian were planning a labour day barbecue. garth didn't want to go. chris.k and i were headed over there pretty late, and figured there wouldn't be much veggie stuff to eat at that point. except probably bad beer. and of course we were right. i had an ear of corn. we hung out for a bit.
and picked up repo man on the way home. monday and/or tuesday are now officially movie night(s), as the local video store has $1.50 rentals.