26 September 2000
wasn't able to print any of the work that i had done in the cad lab last night, and so didn't have a whole lot of work to show for the intervening time since last thursday. mostly just the stuff in my sketchbook. but i think i kind of have a direction for my stairwell now. of course it has to be done by thursday morning.
spent most of the day in the cad lab. continuing to do computer models. i probably should be making physical models, but i have this reluctance to. i talked with dan about it a bit, and he tried to encourage me to start in that direction, but i didn't.
i think the computer is a pretty useful design tool. i don't know if i'm using it in quite the most effective/efficient way yet, but that's one of those things that takes practise.
there was no lab monitor again tonight, but luckily it was unlocked again. a handful of people came in and took me for the monitor. i probably should sign up for some hours. if i'm going to be there anyway, i might as well be getting paid for it.
left the lab about midnight. home to bed.