2 October 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20001002a.gif)
dreamt that chris.k and garth and i were living in an entirely different apartment. and there was some sort of party going on after sushi night. molly and ying showed up about one-thirty, hoping there would still be sushi, but it had been gone for hours. that was all sort of incidental though.
the main story was about this crazy woman who was obsessed with garth. she suggested at about three in the morning that we all go bowling. i had to be at work in the morning, but garth didn't have a suitable excuse and i didn't want to make him go alone with her, so i went along too.
but when we stopped for gas i snuck out of the car, because we were really close to where i worked (i just had to climb over a small mountain) and i had to fix stuff there because there had been a trainee working the previous shift. when i got there, there were all kinds of stickers on things in the wrong places.
when i got home from work (just a little ways down the mountain) the crazy woman was there, and began complaining that garth wasn't making any kind of effort in their "relationship". i told her that garth wasn't really all that emotionally mature and probably could really even handle a relationship. she got this worried look and started trying to come up with ways that she could break it off with garth. she decided to tell him that she had a job offer in california and would probably take it.
he had been in his room, on the phone or something, and when he came out he was planning on completely telling her off. but i started making silent gestures at him, trying to stop him because she was about to tell him about having to leave for california.
i think that chris.k was around for most of the dream, but uncharacteristically, didn't say much of anything.
boring monday. spent the evening in the studio, of course.