4 October 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20001004a.gif)
so the main focus of wednesdays so far this semester has been to prepare for crit on thursday, but with work and structure and hvac and dinner and everything, that part of the day doesn't start until eight at night or so. it almost seems like there's something wrong with that.
worked on my model which was becoming increasingly inaccurate and out of scale as the rest of my project changed. did some more trace and photocopy drawings, seems that's my medium of choice for this semester so far.
chris.k came to visit me in the studio tonight, be he was sidetracked by molly, and i didn't see him again. and i noticed that i was jealous of her, for stealing my guest away, even though i see chris every day. and also i was jealous of him because of all that stupid molly stuff that still floating around in my head. and of course they were off smoking a cigarette, which i don't really like to see either of them doing.
and then molly left studio, seemingly without really doing anything for her crit tomorrow. and she hasn't been coming to structures and hvac classes. she seems all happy on the surface, but something else has to be going on. i'm kind of worried.
left for bed before i was done with everything, but crit's not until one tomorrow, so i've got some time to work in the morning.