22 October 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20001022a.gif)
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20001022b.gif)
another night of very few hours sleep. but this time on graeme's fold-out couch. normally i don't sleep all that well when i'm not in my own bed (or on my own floor, more accurately) but being completely exhausted will fix that.
got up. took a shower. left a little thank you note. and then found my way to the subway stop and back to manhattan.
breakfast at dan's. discussion about the site. then we all drove back out to brooklyn.
we couldn't reach a unanimous decision on which of the potential sites to choose, and so ended up picking two sites, about six blocks apart, and divided the documentation labour up between them. i picked the littler site. more constraints equals less likelihood of waffling back and forth for two months over big issues and not having a fully formed project at the end. of course i could still waffle back and forth over littler things.
redhook was a little bit more active today than it was yesterday. it didn't seems quite as abandoned.
after a few hours people started filtering off. i felt like i should be taking more pictures, more measurements, figuring out the shapes of the oddly massed buildings.
i left about four. long walk to the subway. back to manhattan for the final time. to port authority and the bus to providence.
got home just after nine. there was still sushi. but everyone else had just finished eating. it's a little weird to eat by yrself when there are four other people sitting around not eating. but it's veggie sushi, so i can't really complain.