7 November 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20001107a.gif)
slept for about half an hour. if you can call it sleeping, and well, you really can't. got back to studio about nine-thirty to find that our crit was pushed back until one. so i slept as best i could under my desk for a couple of hours. and i wasn't the only one.
the crit wasn't too bad other than the total exhaustion and queasiness that i always feel after staying up all night. we presented in pairs which always makes it easier when you feel like yr project wouldn't really stand up to a whole lot of individual scrutiny. consensus among the critics was that i was a bit too caught up in details and lacking in an overall plan. jessica, who i presented with had an overall plan, but was lacking in details.
afterwards i went to a poetry reading. some well-known poet. either i was too tired to really appreciate the intricacies of poetry in general or i didn't really like her stuff. susie and another risd student opened the evening, and i had a hard time hearing them. but it was nice to do something literary, given all the design and visual art that normally goes on around here.
and after that i spent a long while trying to track down a concert that i really wanted to go to. i probably should have gone to bed by nine or ten. but there were a bunch of people playing that i really wanted to see. and i figured it would be relaxing. and i thought i knew where it was supposed to be taking place (the same place i saw ida when i skipped out of studio last fall). but there was nothing but dark rooms and locked doors. which was all very upsetting.