21 November 2000
left the beb at four o'clock this morning. walked home in the cold. reached for my keys and realized that i had lent them to luke so that he could make a photocopy and he hadn't given them back. rang the doorbell a few times. practising my "i'm so terribly sorry for waking you up" speech. but there was no answer. tried to figure out a way that i could break into my building. nothing. no choice but to head back down to the beb.
and hope that there would be someone standing outside smoking, because my building key was inside as well. luckily, there were a few smokers outside (including my downstairs neighbor, phil). got my keys, and headed back home. at four-thirty.
so my three and a half hours of sleep shrank to three.
passed chris.k coming the opposite way when i headed back to studio at nine-thirty-ish. explaining why he didn't answer the doorbell. and garth's got mono. so he was probably totally passed out asleep.
i had been a little worried about today's crit. i was sort of at the point where i was starting to hate my project. i felt that it wasn't really going anywhere, and so thought that the critics might pick up on that. i was hoping that even in the case of a bad crit i would end up with some more direction than i had though.
but, as it turns out, i managed to put together a pretty good presentation of where i was at. and the crit went really well. and it sort of re-energized my interest in the work. which was all very good.
at the end of the day, i passed dan on the stairs as i was leaving, and he was very encouraging about things. which was really nice as well.
but on the flip-side, i had to return to the beb to monitor the cad lab, and sung ho had sent email to say that he would be around tonight. which means that there was the nagging feeling about not yet digging myself out of the whole that i'm in for his class, even if studio is going a little better than it was a few weeks back.