magicbeans. nothing if not awkward.

bean is not actually from antarctica. his heart is covered in paisleys.

he makes tiny little pictures and sometimes writes about his life.


7 December 2000

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i'm so exhausted. sitting in the cad lab, waiting for renderings, working on a project that i'm not at all interested in anymore. i'll have something to present tomorrow. i'm not sure it will be at all coherent. it almost certainly won't be architecture.

i'm working on a new narrative series of images. in the order of the original series, but set in the dreamworld of my re-assembly of individual models created from first association, sub-conscious ideas sparked by the originals.

not quite a performance piece (i told chris.k last night that that is what i wish i was doing for my crit for this class) but going in that direction. i have no building. no architectural intervention. just some pretty pictures and some poetic text.

but it's at least slightly based on architectural ideas. or something.

it will be over by tomorrow afternoon. pretty much. sung ho apparently expects all his students to keep working on their projects over the next semester as well, until they are finished. whatever. we'll see. i know that if i were to tackle this project again, i would do most if it very differently.