10 December 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20001210a.gif)
dreamt that i was working on a project to renovate an old house, and was starting with the bathroom. i had pulled the sink and toilet out into a separate part of the room, and what had been the existing bathroom was to become a very large shower with a continuous, undulating floor/wall/ceiling surface of deep blue tile. i was taking the old wallpaper off of the walls and found out that it was the only thing separating inside from outside. and a whole bunch of bees started coming into the house.
there was also a very nice old pool out back in which three elfin/dryad sort of faerie girls were swimming. they invited me to some sort of ball or something in the faerie world and gave me directions to get there.
the path was through an overgrown garden, then some woods, and then into an in-between space that was indoors and populated with dark crystal-esque goblin sorts of creatures. then back outside into what i guess was the faerie world, but instead of a ball there was a town meeting going on.
there were a few other risd people around. and talk about how we were three days in the future compared to the other world.
i guess i'm a little more stressed than i'm really acknowledging. i was really bitchy when i went home for dinner tonight, for no foreseeable reason other than stress. felt a bit better after eating. returned to studio.
at midnight a dozen public safety officers showed up and told us that the building was being closed. it seemed like a very bad joke. but it wasn't. apparently the sophomores, who were finished tonight, had been drinking and smoking in the studio, and had gotten a little rowdy. someone had complained, and the dean of student affairs, in his wisest judgment, had decided to kick everyone out of the building.
how very high school. it doesn't affect the offending parties one bit, and just screws everyone else.
i went home and did laundry.