16 December 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20001216a.gif)
today was supposed to be cleaning day.
chris.k had agreed to tag along to a flea market with dave at about noon. we all ended up going. i bought a few cheap cds. was sensorially overwhelmed at the "olneyville county faire" going on upstairs at fort thunder (likely to be demolished artists/performance space). there were silly things going on like smooch the cats for 10¢, and also a bunch of art for sale. there were some nice paintings, but well out of my available $30 budget i'm sure.
which lasted until nearly dinner time. (garth bought tetris for the nes, which filled up the remaining time.) and then after dinner garth had agreed to go to a party and chris.k went along with him.
no cleaning had been done.
i sat around at home and watched dumb tv. i'm a little at a loss as to what to do with myself now that i don't have all the commitments of school.