30 December 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20001230a.gif)
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20001230b.gif)
dreamt i was the architect for a new building that was being built on the site of a semi-historic building that had been destroyed. my building was long and skinny, six or seven stories, dark grey, sort of modernist. i was living and working there as it was being built.
then i jumped back in time and had to go get some thing from farnum. but farnum had become a big, fancy hotel, and i realized that i didn't live there anymore. i wondered what had become o my stuff. on the way out i ran into garth, and we stopped by the mailroom, which had been redone too, it was much larger and more open, it felt more like a real post office. i had a package slip, which i thought might be for my boots, but it was just a bible and some other book that they were handing out to everyone. i figured i could cut passages out o the bible and use them in some sort of art project.
i continued on my way towards home and it started raining. i had some library books with me. i wasn't sure where they came from, but i was doing my best to keep them from getting wet.
there was about half a foot of snow on the ground when i woke up this morning. and it continued to snow all day. real winter wonderland sort of snow. blanketing everything.
watched more red dwarf today. not a great deal else.