4 January 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010104a.gif)
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010104b.gif)
dreamt i was trapped in an underwater tank of some sort. there was a child there as well and we were trying to think of ways to escape. i realized that if i got out, the villain who had trapped me there would come to rescue the child (being his own or at least his ward) and get stuck himself. the plan worked, but i knew that i would see the villain again, as we were both attending a conference later.
instead of worrying i started getting ready for class. half way into my hour or so long journey i realized that i didn't have a notebook. so i stopped at a little mom and pop office supply store. erika and leslie from risd were there wearing mustaches and 70s clothes. jesse from hampshire (who lived in the house that i lived in in amherst) was there too, and introduced me to someone who i quickly forgot.
i bought a pad of koh-i-noor graph paper. it cost 44¢, although the cash register had a lot of different numbers on it, so i was confused. i dug through my pockets and paid with a quarter and two dimes. the cashier, who was sergio's (of the four seasons cafe in lakeville) wife, started to give me a dine as change, but since the paper was already so cheap i pointed out the error. she had a hard time finding a penny in the cash drawer as they were almost all canadian. eventually she found a coin that looked like a penny but was 100´. i didn't know how much that was worth, but figured i'd be in japan some day and took it.
i arrived at the conference and was a little worried that the villain would be there with a gun, but figured he wouldn't attack me with all the people around. it was some sort of literary conference, but among the participants was scott bakula (playing sam becket from quantum leap), and a bunch of people in rhinoceros costumes.
first day of class. seems good. not much to say now.
i do have some news in the continuing boot saga though. i get email today (3+ weeks after i placed my order) telling me that that boot that i ordered doesn't even come in the size that i ordered it in. well, why's it listed in that size on yr website then? and does that mean that it's a mistake and my size was meant to be listed in the other colour, which would have been my first choice anyway? or is it actually out of stock in that colour?
winter progresses, and my feet remain cold.