8 February 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010208a.gif)
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010208b.gif)
dreamt i was watching a new star trek show on tv. it looked pretty good, but it turned out to only be a preview. then something of a sci-fi providence came on. there was some sort of spaceship or doomsday device or something buried in the bay and disguised as a strip mall. the camera zoomed down and panned around the surrounding area and i remembered taking a walk there once. then i was inside one of the buildings, either in my own memories or on the show, and it get very literary. there was a poem unfolding along with the trip through the building, about sugar cane and cigarettes, or somesuch. very well written though.
there were all kinds of words and phrases running through my head while i was in the shower too. having to write most of my paper today, i hope that wordiness continues into my fully waking state.
brought tangerine, my million year old laptop, to work with me. continued writing my paper in my free moments in the library. had it maybe half done by the end of work.
rather than heading right home to continue working i went to see the final projects for this year's performance class. i was really impressed. their work seemed, on the whole, to be much better than ours was last year. of course that could be because the class, called "performance and text" this year, was more geared towards my own preferences in performance art. in any case it was worth taking the break from my paper.
and i was actually finished writing by a pretty reasonable hour, one-thirty or so. but i still had to scan some images to include, write up my bibliography (although i really love writing bibliographic references for some incredibly odd reason), and reformat the paper in microsquish word on chris.k's computer since that's the only one here at home that has a printer.
i ended up staying up all night wrestling with word. i personally blame bill gates. it's such a terrible program. grrr.