15 February 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010215a.gif)
post-apocalyptic dreams. although i was still a risd student, so they couldn't have been too far in the future. i was working on a performance piece, although the final artistic creation was a book (that i either flash-forwarded and saw finished, or just had a good picture of in my head) made up of video stills from the performance itself, which was somewhat sexually suggestive involving myself and a girlfriend (?), and some text, i think.
in my dream mind i saw an epigraph written out, either for my book or for the dream itself, ostensibly from an avant guard theatre production. in the dream i sort of realized that i must have written it myself, and so should try to remember it but also in my dream logic figured that i would be able to find a video tape of the production in the library.
later i was in the library, and although the video wasn't a part of the regular collection, a teacher had left their own copy there. i wanted to take it and make a copy, but felt like there was some obstacle towards that and that i should have memorized the epigraph when i had the chance. but i was distracted by a basket of a strange variety of very blue squash. the library was a faerie tale sort of medieval stone castle or church or somesuch and had a farmers' market on the first floor.
someone stopped in and asked how to get to kennedy plaza. at first i though that they were talking about a person, rather than a place. but eventually it made sense, and i started trying to give directions. the guy selling the blue squash was giving directions too, and we were contradicting each other. i was confused because i couldn't quite visualize the stretch of benefit street north of risd. in my mind i saw it as empty fields, but somehow that didn't fit with my memories. i stepped outside with the man who was asking directions and told him to make his way towards the huge towers being built downtown. they didn't seem quite right either, but i couldn't explain why.
got my japanese aesthetics paper back today. got an a. once again my chronic procrastination shows no major consequences. although i do feel that it could have been an even better paper had i given myself more time to write it.