1 March 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010301a.gif)
i woke up this morning and was lying in bed convinced that my alarm would be going off at at any moment. when i finally rolled over and looked at my clock i found that i still had an hour to sleep. the same happened with half an hour and then fifteen minutes to go. at some point during all this i remember opening my eyes to see big snow flakes falling outside the window. when my alarm did go off and i got up, it hadn't snowed at all.
anne, my new studio professor, is pretty laid back but at the same time very pragmatic. "you should all have a building by tuesday." which includes a clear idea of space, materials, wall and floor thickness, location on the site, etc, etc. which is a lot of work, but one of our four weeks is basically over already.
i still feel as if i'm spinning my wheels a bit, but hopeful this weekend i'll be able to slip back into the architecture groove.
in italian tonight i realized that of all my classes it is the one that i should probably be most worried about. i have the least control over the outcome. at least insofar as whether or not i simply get it. technology and history classes are no big deal. and studio i can alway just plow my way through. but learning a language is something else entirely.
i'm not worried about it or anything. and passing the course (which is a requirement for the ehp) certainly won't be a problem. but i would like to really be comfortable with the language when i go to rome.