25 March 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010325a.gif)
dream notes: snow, ice theatre / per drawing on screen.
then some bits i remember in more detail. i stopped in at a restaurant where some friends of mine were eating. before i even had a chance to order i was ushered into another room where there was a karaoke machine and i was expected to sing a new beck song. i had only heard the song once, in the background while i was doing something else, and the part of the machine that displayed lyrics wasn't working. i did my best, figuring that most of what beck sings doesn't make sense anyway. and then fiddled with some wires on the machine and got the lyrics display working.
and another bit with a box of stuff that was going to be shot into space and hopefully found by alien cultures. the box was sealed with wax (blue, i think) and among other things contained a set of paired photos that was supposed to explain civilization on earth. one pair was labeled "no jewelry" but i don't remember what the photos were of. another pair, one of an empty street scene and one of a monkey, was labeled "no humans". the third that i saw was "ancient pottery" with photos of the same. i woke up before looking at any more.
it seems like something is bothering chris.k, but it can't tell if it's in reaction to something he's seeing in me, or if it's because he's got to work over spring break or what. and of course my reaction to the way he's acting is to be even quieter and self-contained then usual which probably only feeds his mood further. when i do try to talk to him, all his responses are short and curt and don't really open the door to any sort of interaction anyway.
he offered to go to the supermarket himself today. since garth is home for half the week, he figured we could get by on less stuff and then go shopping again on wednesday or thursday when garth gets back. and honestly, i could use the extra time in the studio. so it was very generous of him. but somehow i feel like he's going to hold it against me some day.