7 May 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010507a.gif)
dream notes: multi-layered opera (?) / off of streets that weren't quite real / (quaint village)
i emailed bryan yesterday about the ecs presentations. i clearly remembered him saying not to focus on the presentation so much and just treat it as if it were a desk crit. no on else seemed to hear that and the rest of my group was paranoid about not doing a flashy computer presentation. i got a reply this morning saying that i was correct, he just wanted the groups to pin up their 11x17 format drawings and talk about them.
so i finished up my diagrams and such but didn't spend any time on putting a presentation together like i did with the last one. of course all the other groups did flashy presentations and made us look like underachievers. whatever. it's done.
later, i tried to close my eyes and picture the inside of my office building for studio, but all i could see was fields of yellow flowers. that's still all i can see when i close my eyes. makes defining the character of my building difficult.